Quoted By:
>Exactly a year ago ... (weird)
>Full moon
>ridin innawoods... ~10 miles from the nearest pavement, 2-3 miles from the nearest road
>Park the bike on a big rock feature, set the camera up and start taking pics
>Been quiet for a while, just click-click from the camera/tripod and my squeaky moto boots
>hear rustling at the treeline
>flashlight on turbo mode, scan the area, see nothing, no eye shine like coyote/fox/skunk/bear
>back to the camera
>hear twig snap, more rustling, see tree shake against the sky just as I glance over
>flashlight on, scan area, still see nothing
>decide I've got enough pics tonight
>pack up camera gear, pull on helmet, fire up the bike
>use moto headlight to illuminate the area, still see nothing
>ride home
Can't say for sure, but i'd bet it was a cat. None of the other animals I see out there behave like that, and I usually see the foxes/yotes/porcupine/skunks/deer/elk/bears if they're around.