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When I was 12 my friend convinced me to run away from school with him.
>Recess at tiny little school
>~80-90 kids in whole school
>wait for teacher and kids to go inside
>were hiding behind a pile of rocks for a new swing
>we take off, turns out he had stolen like 3k from his step dad
>abusive step dad
>literally a crazy fucker. like keeps broken vacuum cleaners all over his house.
>garage and basemen full of shit vaccums
>anyway we run away to the town landing a mile from school.
>start lighting a bunch of fires and shit
>break into this beach house and find gasoline and other flamable stuff.
>up and down the beach
>school realizes were not there, parents get called.
>we got found in a cove down the beach, boiling minnows in a rusty pot we found
>not aloud to be friends anymore.
>12 years later i refind my friend
>been banging his sister this year a few times
>were gonna eat mushrooms on this firday
>pic related. its the beach house.