>>1085370I have my patched up vest and pants, what you seem to consider to be some kind of bum status symbol. I got them both right before i started traveling, i like them and i will keep them alive as long as possible. I buy patches from music shows and leather stores because i like music and leather holds up the best. Ive been patching my clothes myself since middle school. I gave myself a bunch of shitty tattoos because i felt like it and i like them. Other than that i have shorts, two other pants, three shirts and my winter gear. I have around 10 pair underwear and socks. I suppose i wear clothes because i dont want to walk around naked, but i can see where you think its just to prove how dirty i am. As far as my hair, and i know this is hard to believe, i like it this way. I can tell youll probably be shocked at this answer, let me assure you that this has been my hairstyle for years and i didnt carefully groom it to be this way for stature.
Its almost like people wear the stuff they like or something, i have no reason or want to wear polos and jeans instead of my clothes. I dunno anon, my views are obviously skewed here, can you let me in on whatever secret reason people have for wearing the clothes they wear?