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Hello /HGM/ greetings from /CTW/
just letting you know our thread is up atm on /pol/
feel free to help promote our project if you find it noble and share some info that you have with us. Thank you, have a Duck.
Welcome to the Circle the Wagons Project Frens!
Where we combined /fit/diy/k/out/an/biz/ & /pol/ into one thread
that is on topic & relates to our current political & cultural reality.
by working toward the goal of forming wholesome communities irl
made up of based & repilled pollacks living off the land in accordance with nature,
it's fundamental truths and it's beauty. Who are ready to face the ugly realities
of a "society" that grows more bleak and hostile every day.
We cannot silently accept or hide from the globo*redacted* agenda it's degeneracy and our demographic decline.
It is our duty to fight with all the love in our heart for ourselves, each other and our kin.
Fuck being alone. Fuck feeling doomed! We will save the doomers, free the wage slaves and tell
the rent seekers to go to hell.
There is a better way to live for our people. We will live as we used to; as a tribe.