>>1071355> and plant crops and stuff like that>Not that i would ever afford a ranch or crops and animals but that'd be comfyAgreed, it sucks to be a millennial.
Post-oil farming and ranching wouldn't be what we'd consider comfy by today's standards, but that's about the best kind of life one could hope for in a significant and long term SHTF/collapse scenario.
>>1071360If the US population was starving due to some kind of combination of drought, heatwave, mass crop failure or what have you and they were also unable to import the food necessary to keep people alive the gov would probably give the remaining viable farmers some kind of executive mandate for their yields. I don't think that's a Marx thing though, I think that's a government trying to maintain control over a bad situation and keep its people alive and appeased enough to not overthrow the existing status quo. Point being, don't expect any ideological power structure to willingly collapse if they think they can stave it off by taking something from someone.