Why is there like 50 posts of 1 person replying to himself?
Anyway, I harvested 30lbs of potatoes yesterday. There are 4 varieties; White Superior, Red Norland, Blue Adirondack, (all left bucket) and Yukon Gold (right bucket). Most of the potato tops are dying or looking terrible. Excessive rains delayed many or outright killed rotted them before sprouting. Even the weeds were having trouble and only the swampy stuff like false nutsedge was growing there. I'm not too sure I'll get back what I planted this year. Hopefully, the plants that sprouted later will green up and start growing now that there's no rain.
>>1314956>all those names and only 1 I've heard of beforeI wish there was a big comprehensive list of pepper cultivars. I like huge lists like that that, but they are so rare to find for anything. It is like no one is out doing that job. It'd be great to know what people have already crossed and named. That way people aren't doing the same crosses and naming them differently.
I hope your crosses work out well.
>>1314959>>1314963Gardening and farming are good therapies. Remember, you need to get out there and mingle in circles that involve what you want to do. Basil is super easy. Good luck and remember to plant many so that you have backups in case of problems.
>>1314994Sun cloth and mulch. That about all you can do until the heat passes. I wouldn't worry too much about it if you are doing those things already. The weather will cool down a bit eventually and you'll have tons of tomatoes. Next time, try to find cultivars that are better suited for your climate. There are some good heat tolerant ones out there I'm sure.
>>1315023Seems fine.
>>1315029>>1315040>>1315054Who cares? Please, show your own crops.
>>1315046Trumpet vine (invasive!) is also good for climbing trees and attracting hummingbirds. Though, I find that for humming birds, red flowers like bee balm mint does a better job since it has more places for the hummingbird to get nectar