>>1711793You asked a pretty broad question without giving much info about your setup. If a double pad fits in your shelter and you're not fussed about the extra weight then the only other reasons I can think of are the extra space needed in your pack and whether a double mat is actually comfy with only one person on it. I don't whether having a single body on it won't provide the right weight spread. You might find that it just sags down where your body is, so if the mat isn't thick enough you'll end up touching the ground. I don't know it that makes sense or not. I'll draw a pic, maybe that'll be better.
>picThis is just off the top of my head as I have never used a double mat before. You know when you get two people on an airbed then the thing feels tighter and more inflated. Where as with only one person you sink much further down. I reckon this could be an issue when only one person sleeps on a double mat.