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I thought the movie was pretty boring and at 2hrs, needlessly long, most of which
is wasted on DiCaprio endlessly crawling and stumbling across the countryside.
The cinematography is nice but the bleak winter setting only made the movie
even more boring, as everything is white snow or grey rocks. They should have
set it in the autumn to give the viewers something to look at.
If anybody gets an award out of this flick, it’ll be Tom Hardy and not DiCaprio.
As another Anon mentioned, the flash-back / dream sequences were unnecessary
filler to pad out an already too long movie.
And what was up with the Missing Indian Girl?
(dunno how to do the hidden text thing, so I’ll rot13 it)
Ure gevor frnepuvat sbe ure vf n pevgvpny cneg bs gur zbivr ohg ab rkcynangvba vf cerfragrq
sbe ubj fur raqrq hc zvffvat naq jul gur Vaqvnaf gubhtug vg jnf gur Nzrevpna genccref
jub gbbx ure naq abg gur Serapu genccref, jub fbzrubj raqrq hc jvgu ure (juvpu vf
nyfb yrsg harkcynvarq)?
Naq gur raqvat nyfb znqr ab frafr. QvPncevb orngf hc Gbz Uneql naq vf nobhg gb xvyy
uvz jura gur Vaqvnaf fubj hc, (jvgu Zvffvat Vaqvna Tvey) fb QvPncevb yrgf gur Vaqvnaf
xvyy Gbz Uneql vafgrnq. Jul?
“Jeremiah Johnson” and “A Man Called Horse” and are much better wilderness movies.