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Been sticking strictly with GT, and out of...maybe 11 attempts, only 3 have made it to the tub stage, 1 of those was lost to contamination, one fruited normally, and you're looking at a pic of the third. I've yet to experience this kind of...chunky growth? There's also the strange growth on the left side of the picture as well. It's hard to pinpoint the problem because I keep doing things the exact same way, which is how I got my first successful run, but ever since then it's been failure after failure, now I've got this one which I thought was going great, but now this. Advice?
If it matters, I do cake to bag to tub, spawn is oats. Standing air box (for now). Did a casing layer on the the only successful run I had, tried it again and got contam, this time I did some research that said not to use a casing layer so I didn't. After mixing colonized grain and coco mix, I just put the lid on and leave it alone. It's usually not near any sunlight.