>>863743They fight hard. They just like to dig and dig, much better than a similar sized largemouth. Best was like 27".
I believe I have hooked a monster at least twice in this one lake though. Both times is was right around the same spot where dude who lives there said he caught a 47" snek. First time it hit a Blue Fox on a lighter setup, tangled it up underwater within a couple seconds. Second time I was on a medium rod with 15lb braid running a Texas-rigged crawdad deal. I set the hook and within a few seconds the fish ran out probably 30-40yds of this 15lb braid. Drag was set to the point where it normally takes a 4lb+ feisty bass to make it click at all. I had this fish on for a couple seconds and it was by far larger than any 10lb carp or PB bass that was probably close to 7lb. Fought with it for maybe 2min before he tangled my line up on some shit underwater and I was just stuck.