>>2573236That's awesome man. Gilnetting for what? It's the only fishery I have worked that really requires alot of skill. Just learning to get the fish out of the nets is a chore, were using 12 inch nets but getting some of these monk fish out is a chore and a half. We're headed out now, my captain is sick so my buddy is running the boat. This will be my second trip flaking. Do you have a discord? I'm thinking about going to AK next year or for the winter.
>>2573260Everything except drive. Depending on the fishery you have different positions, but most smaller boats with a good crew everyone switches positions to keep it fun and not be doing the same thing over and over.
Gilnetting sets a net that floats like a small tennis net on the bottom of the ocean. One side is weighted the other side with floats so it stands up on the bottom, anywhere from half a mile all the way to 5 miles. Anything that swims through Gets caught and you have to pull the fish out of the net. We kill alot of sharks sadly, seals sometimes, sharks, even a few dolphins on occasion. That's the way of the world tho. Alot of fisheries have alot of bycatch... it gets eaten in the ocean tho.
>>2573262Hit the dock a few times, different times of day. Get some numbers, tell them your willing to learn. Alot of offshore shrimp boats out there can make good money. You go out for 5-30 days, don't come in until the boat is full so you always got a nice check.
Food is payed for, TV, some have internet. It's a great time. Best advice I can give you is shop around, it takes awhile to find a good boat. But once you find one there is nothing better. The brotherhood you experience fishing with your friends and making money is like no other. The boat I'm on is amazing, 4 of us including the captain we just smoke mad weed, jam out to satellite internet taking turns picking the station and bust our ass. It's the only job I've had where the hard work feels warranted, and you don't want to half ass.