>>302850I'll take a picture of the birds the next time I go outside. They are common here and the little brown ones. I really want to know the exact name/species they are and I thought they were/are finches.
I want society garlic solely for keeping the dogs out of my veggie/herb/flower box since they apparently hate society garlic and I want those seeds to germinate. I did see the pots of flowers for sale but I usually have bad luck buying store-bought plants for some reason and I like to have the personal connection with the plant by seeing it grow from a seed all the way into a full, big plant. Theres some stupid neighborhood squirrel climbing the power lines and it has been in my yard so I'll need to keep him away from my crops too! I'm thinking of going to McDonalds or around the city where there are soicety garlic plants and stealing (by deadheading the flowers) the seeds if I can find any. I actually did that to this Scabiosa plant (on the left) at a Wal Mart I went to. It was the only one that is a perennial variety (the seeds for sale only had annual Scabiosa and it was a different color) but the reason I wanted this one so badly because it was a magnet for attracting bees. Thats another good thing to do; go the garden section of a hardware/garden store and pay attention to the flowers and plants that bees keep visiting then you'll know what the bees in your area like. They LOVED the Scabiosa so the plant/sprout I now have will make its way somewhere into my garden soon enough!
I'm just burning off about 20-25 excess beer pounds (after I graduated college, I drank for a month straight, something I always wanted to do) and then at the end, I noticed I gain all that beer weight but its mostly gone now so thats a good thing and I lost the weight by digging up/preparing the veggie bed in this thread. Once I prepare the raspberry patch, I know it will all be gone for good.