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hello sc/out/s.
i very rarely post here, but i guess this thread got me because i just came back from a week long excursion into the chattahoochie national forest with my best friend.
my only regret is that we used a "designated" primitive camping site, which is not what i am used to. being within eyesight of the FR was not what i had in mind, but my friend is a bit of a rookie, so i guess it made him feel safer. i have since convinced him that more remote is more exciting.
>what do you take?
i have a 72 hour bag. in it a mess kit, some pruning shears (sniper trick, mang), a 2 liter camel back, the SAS survival manual and a land navigation manual, rite-in-the-rain field book, pencil, 3 MREs, two lights, a vietnam era camillus (ka-bar clone. reliable as fuck), light work gloves, a monocular, brown 6x8 tarp, 3 candles (broken in half to make six and easier to store), folding e-tool, sog tomahawk (laugh if you will, but it lasted longer than my friend's actual axe.) sleep stuff and probably some shit i forgot about.
>where do you like going?
like? remote innawoods. cope with? anything that doesn't have facilities.
>Hiking to camp or paying to camp?
in my last cae: neither. but i'd prefer to hike. having a jeep makes my options pretty good.
>Tent, Rv, Trailer, or camper?
tent. what is the point of camper or RV?
that being said, i also carry a fair amount of things on me. never leave home without your leatherman, or ways to start fire.