A few months ago, I stumbled across a very nice youtube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH6-DQu8LcAqOcVJpX-jZ8wIt's an american guy (veteran) who moved with his cute family (filipina wife and a kid) on a homestead, and they made a lot of videos about homesteading tutorials, cooking, and just everyday life as a family, happily, peacefully in a natural environment.
It really made me rethink my life choices, and I hope one day I could do something like this as well.
However, the last couple of weeks, almost every video he puts out there has something to do with "bigfoot". At first I thought it might be some joke, but its getting really creepy. You never see anything special in those videos, he just points the camera in the woods, looks over his shoulders, seems scared, talks about bigfoot and stuff.
In his early videos he talked about PTSD and his earlier mental problems. I am kinda worried that it is related.
Strangely, also all the youtube commenters seem to support his delusion, claiming to have seen something in the videos, when there clearly was nothing. I start wondering, is this some sick joke of 4chan/b or some other no-life community trying to ruin this guys life?