>>2518789>>fighting for the tranny world order>Oh, so that's what its all about?>Thanks!>I'll make sure to tell 8 year olds in my school in Warsaw that the homes north of Kiev their parents built with money from hard labor in the west, ware leveled to the ground not because a mad psycho in Kremlin wanted to rebuild an empire, but actually because he loves them and wanted to save them from the ebil globohomno tranny jewspiracy.>Stupid faggots.>You probably are right wingers like me, but we are nothing alike, you derailed pseudo-rebels.>>2518505>Not sure how effective those are, but I do remember several times last year we collecting money for those huge ass powerful power-banks, among other things. They use them to power their electronics in the field than recharge them after a few days when they rotate to more comfortable conditions, where they have either working power grids or generators.>>2518635>I was wondering if /out/ would have some hints on how to dry your shit out in the dugouts using minimal heat source. I know it's a challenge.This one time I spent several days on a survival/military training, and the only way we had to dry our clothes was by... wearing them. Body heat would eventually dry the fabric, as long as we ware on the move.
But it was in the summer, completely different thing.
>This anglo known as Lindybeige recently interviewed a guy who claims he was in the "international legion" for several months, he kept talking about marino wool socks and how useful was bringing a pic related with him.I never used that type of kettle but I imagine it can be a good tool in the cold.