>>407743Holy shit. I leave for 6 days and this thread still exists. Thanks for the replies. This is still a possibility, but it increasingly seems like I may be able to sleep at work. It will just take some reconnaissance to see if I can really pull it off or not.
>>407958I have plenty of income to support this adventure. I just despise throwing it away on excessive rent. Durable goods? Sure. Rent? No.
>>407961Fewer and lower performance 4WD van option than truck options. Michigan has a maze of poorly maintained dirt roads and lots of snow. I'm sort of regretting buying my little Ford Focus when I was in NC. I'm going to have to re-learn driving on ice/snow after living in the south for 5 years. 4WD helps alot.
>>408014>>408204>>408202>>408326>>408368I'd be renting a permanent parking spot. That would give me *some* protection against police harassment. I'm also renting a private mailing box. It just makes sense for me to use a mailbox given how much of a gypsy I've been over the years. Hell, I still have my box in NC.
My budget spreadsheet says that moving into town and cutting my insurance would give me a ~16% 'in the wallet' raise (after most bills/taxes). Living in town with a roomate/girlfriend is a 38% raise. These are liberal estimates, since I can't project my electric/heat bills just yet. Living in the lab or truck is a whopping >50% raise depending on minor expenses.