>>1464425You can get up to ~1.4 kW per m2 from the sun on earth, given it's summer, cloudless and your panels have an efficiency of 100%. I doubt anyone would carry a whole squaremeter of solarpanel innawoods.
So for example, if this piece of chinesium had an efficieny of 100% and panelarea of 26,4x15,5cm (that's its full fize, but let's be generous) it would be:
P=I [W/m2] * A [m2]= 1400 W/m2 * 0,04092 m2 = 57,288 W
With it's capacity of 25 Ah and input voltage of 5 V it would take ~2 h to fully charge it.
Sounds good, doesn't it? Yeah, but it isn't. This calculations are highly theoretical and depent heavily on your location and weather. The main problem is, that the real efficiency of those solar panels are around 7%.
Knowing that, we are at under 4 W and a recharge time of ~13 h in real life.