Slowdive - Sleep am an active and avid lucid dreamer and scientist... I taught myself Calculus II in my sleep and was the 'first' Mathematics class I ever got an 'A' in and a 4.0 in the same quarter and was so happy with myself.
Another great one: Darkstar - Feel Me. I worked up the courage to ask out a beautiful girl on my first real date in highschool and I was so happy I played this on the way to my date. The album it came from was called "A New Adventure" and I knew what it was like to be alive. I was never so happy in my life before. The track is totally euphoric and happy/feelgood. That was 10 years ago and I remember that lucidly still to this day: It also drives me into crazy motivation to do anything... gardening, astronomy, cleaning the house, writing stuff, playing music, anything really...