Quoted By:
>be 15
>fishing at what is *technically* a sewage dump, actually a nice pond
>not swimmable and nothing in it is edible, but it's clear and pretty
>fishing for pan-sized bluegill
>always sneaked in through fence, never had a problem, only seen potheads and teenagers hiking
>southern california
>every government employee below the tier of managers or whatever is beaner
>that includes security at pond
>one day beaners pull up in shitty public utilities vehicle
>can't run away, my favorite spot at the pond is kinda cramped
>just sit and wait
>beaners approach me speaking broken english
>15 y/o me starts blabbing in spanish trying to be nice with heavy gringuito accent
>beaners are surprised that a little white kid speaks spanish from school
>complete 180, tell me in spanish that I can keep what I catch
>decide to keep bluegill and try them
>got fat diarrhea
>don't eat fish from sewage water