>>1647148most balkanites actually try to pass it towards the sea in one go and never during the night because of not only the gypsy clans but also police who is infamous for stopping foreigners to ask for bribe
granted it's not all bad and it's a beautiful country even just by being poor enough that people left nature alone
local communities are welcoming and knit together because they endure common hardships and can also relate, but don't outstay your welcome if you insist on maintaining that superior western tourist mindset that regards oneself as royalty and others as curios creatures meant to entertain or the 'white girl with blonde hair that visits african villages because her local poor people no longer cut it' type, no one needs your pity
with globalization zoomers and urbanites tend to be just as stupid as the common mcdonalds face-stuffing phone-gazer, so do expect either the regular kvetching about racism and discrimination and whatnot or its extreme opposite reaction of untermensch football hooligans larping as saviors of the white race
most people are pretty normal and somewhere in between, especially in the rural areas, however slowly but surely decaying due to all the brainwashing by television which is a common past time in all former soviet states
the more remote and less touristy you go the better it gets, but don't expect them to be too keen on foreigners because in the end you are basically an intruder in an otherwise closed habitat
also give romania a try, it's quite similar but at the same time different, an island of romance in a sea of slav, a bit richer economically and very much so geographically, you are also very likely to encounter bears and it's far less touristically (and infrastructurally) developed than bulgaria
all in all it somehow managed to maintain its identity and that's the reason why prince charles is such a big fan of it
this came off lenghty and sort of blackpilled