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Alright, /out/ I need your advice.
I've been around hunting most of my life. All the men on both sides of my family hunt. When I got old enough, my dad introduced me to hunting too. He drove a truck for a living, though, so he never got to take me hunting very often, at most once or twice a year. He was with me when I killed my first and second buck. I was pretty young when I killed both of them, so me helping him dress them was pretty much just me holding the ribcage open so he could get at the hard to reach places. Didn't really have a problem with anything at the time. My mom went back to school and he had to start working more to make up for it, so for most of my teenage years I was on my own when it came to hunting. I was pretty awful at it. I never killed anything and eventually I lost interest. Now that I'm older, I've picked back up on my interest in hunting. The only problem is that as soon as I make a cut to field dress it, I get sick. I break out in sweat, get light headed and pale, and have to fight back the urge to throw up. I could usually manage without too much worry, though, because I usually go with someone who is more knowledgeable than me and doesn't care to help me out. However, today I got bad. I shot pic related and started to dress it when I started to get suck. I tried to push through but the more I cut the worse it got. I decided to take a break to clear my head and blacked out. I laid down in the dirt for about 15 minutes before I could compose myself enough to get up. I threw the unskinned squirrel in my bag and called it a day. I got some help cleaning it when I got home, but it was still really bad and I could barely make any progress before I had to take a break. Is this normal? Am I just a quivering mangina or will I get better? Its not that I feel bad for the animal or anything like that. i think its just the cutting and ripping that messes me up.
>Tldr I shot my first squirrel today.