>>1333197This. OP should stay near developed camp spots. If you are hiking you may just have to find a secluded spot and shit. I always carry toilet paper in a Ziploc bag. Always. Wet wipes and those tiny hand sanitizers are good too. I like to find a good spot. Either an elevated branch or piece of rock formation in a dry arroyo. Something to sit or lean on. Bonus points if you have a good view. Then just cover it with dirt and rocks. Hanging your backpack on a tree near the trail is good. Let's people know you are there and to not come near.
I feel like everyone has their own squat style. Just try not to piss on your pants. You may also just not be able to poop your first few short trips out. I used to get constipated up to a week of camping. As soon as I got out of the woods the reckoning would come. Now I could shit on the side of the highway in the plains and wave at cars.