>>168831>but I fear any growing I'd want to do, and I want to do a lot - several acres- would be significantly limited.Well, with modern small farm and gardening techniques, you really don't need much land anymore to have massive yields. Older methods are quaint and industrial methods are meant specific cost ratios, but neither of their techniques are all that conducive to modern small farms.
The best things to keep in mind and for research and when planning a modern farm are, in no particular order:
Companion Planting
Raised Beds
Vertical Gardening
Square Foot Gardening
Greenhouses, cold frames, hot beds, tunnels, etc.
Combinations of these methods can lessen work and increase yields far beyond antiquated and industrial methods of farming in the same amount of square space. So keep that in mind when looking for a place, it may not need to be all that big.