>googles “average walking speed”>sees 3mph>multiplies it by the number of daylight hours this time of year>ThAtS HoW FaR I HiKeWikipedia has an article on Naismith’s rule. It has lots of facts and a few charts and some arithmetic to satisfy your autism.
Yeah, 3mph is an average walking speed over perfectly level, paved roads. Throw in a few delays for eating, resting, site seeing…
>>2681981 claims he doesn’t stick to established hiking trails (like a solid half of /our/), so he has to take time for navigation, bushwhacking, and scrambling. I guess you could jog in between those delays.
And Naismith’s rule isn’t just about a mountains total elevation, it’s about elevation gain. It’s not like we go any faster downhill (sometimes it’s slower slower, if it’s steep and precarious).