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I'm doing my best to get really rich and build connections so I can do these things
>have a nice cozy home
>have lots of property to rent out in various places
>build a school with a proper curriculum
>Housing for school will be refurbished trailers and whatnot
>have an auto division that would buy used cars and fix them, make them more efficient(intakes, exhaust, nicer interior)
>use said used cars as a program for homeless or low income, if they take a much more difficult test insuring they can drive professionally practically, they get the car for free.(single parents, homeless people, first car kids)
>buy land for windfarms, solar farms, all kinds of alt energy(hopefully use some for school and trailer park)
>near campus use domestic/small businesses as shops, invite them offering relatively cheap rent in the mall/strip mall/trading village w/ the fuck i call it
>sell extra energy to power company
>attempt to replant forests, build canals for new 'rivers' and streams.
>since it'll be on my land I can decide what gets built on it. so no eyesores or anything.
>school services(certain positions) open to students only, like janitor, concierge, chefs, construction, road pavers)
>open storage place using shipping containers(and for students storage or w/e)
>big recycling plant, lots of recycle propaganda.
>student run humane society, +catchers, find animals, neuter, and keep living in pleasant environment, allowed for adoption. only 'rare' breeds are allowed for breeding and selling for profit for facility.
maybe it sounds like a pipedream at best. but its what i want to do