>>441989I know what Canada is like and you'd have to be some fucking Changstien if you think the Government gives two shits about anything here aside from how much money they can squeeze from us
all our parties are a joke and all over Canada is turing into a mess
don't even pretend as if whatever place you are from is suddenly better
I'm from Northern (French) Ontario and I can tell you it just like Northern Quebec and out west is being destroyed socially. the government ships up drug addicts and criminals to shoddy commieblocs up north to clear them away for cheap new dollhouses in the south to shove immigrants into and steal their money.
when I visit my grandparents/parents up north now the towns are ruined by drugs and impoverished southern scrubs living in cheap ghetto housing
most northerners just end up leaving or being forced out by all these people
more than that, you get the rich southerners and their 'cottages' which might as well be summer homes buying up everything and turning places into these little hipster faux rural towns while jacking up the prices of everything and ruining all the trails and other shit or just generally being a nuisance
its the same in the US too, places are colonized both by poor urban druggies and rich urban/suburban liberal cunts, spreading that shit all over the country
its a mess and I'd prefer if Canada dissolved rather than play along with the national joke we are
like I said I'd rather move far north to the Yukon or Alaska just to be far away from everything and live on the last frontier zone we have