Garden planning is killing me this year since I have such a huge range of plant types now. I'm nearly done and its nearly time to start planting the bulk of the veggies.
>pics fully related>>1250293It was 85F here yesterday. I thought I'd die. Tomorrow it is supposed to snow. A massive rainstorm is about to hit, the wind just picked up as I was typing this. I think I'm planting out my starts on Tuesday, inside polytunnels just after this storm front. temps look stabilize, but sol temps are what matter in the tunnels for stability.
>>1250296>EutrophicationThats' causing a huge problem with ciguatera poisoning near tropical shorelines where there's lots of farming that has improper use of fertilizers. It can still happen with organic stuff of course. Eutrophication happened in my pond simply because there were too many ducks on it and the chickens decided to hang out up hill of it more often than normal one year. I was going to toss in a hay bale to correct things, but an old dead pine tree fell into it, during a wind storm, and took take of the problem.