Quoted By:
>be me
>camping with dad
>as im chopping wood, my dad says “im gonna go walk to the reception building. ask them if we can stay 2 more nights”
>happy we get to stay longer, i love the outdoors
>around 10 minutes into chopping wood, i realize that the reception building is like 3 miles away from our campsite (it was around a lake and we were on the far side)
>debate if i should try to catch up or just call him
>call him
>no answer
>call him again
>still no answer
>decide to catch up
>realize its been like 15 mins since he left
>i wasnt in good shape, so i wouldnt be able to run and catch up
>see his truck
>i only had my learners, but i could drive
>open back door for dog
>get in
>realize i dont have keys
>just decide to wait it out
>20 minutes pass
>30 minutes pass
>40 minutes pass
>getting really fucking worried
>decide “fuck it, ill walk there”
>grab my dog and we start walking
>take my pocket knife incase of coyotes
>finally get there
>go to open reception building door
>its supposed to be open till 11
>hear noise coming from camp hall thing (place where parties and marriages could happen)
>there was a bar
>go in, and see my dad watching football with 3 other guys, drinking beer
> “dad?”
>no answer
> “dad!”
>he turns around
> “oh hey anon, hows wood chopping go?”
>obviously drunk
>realized why he walked instead of drove
> “you told me you were asking for more nights!”
> “yeaaahhh, i did, but then i heard they were playing the game in here, and i kinda forgot about you.”