>>1663099If tumbler is in direct sun and only attaining 20°C then decomposition will be sloooow. Size of the ideal compost pile is 3'x3'x3'. A cubic yard. Amount of material(pile size) and C:N ratio are most common reasons pile won't heat up esp. in tumblers. Once those two factors are achieved the process should jump off. If it doesn't, the next two factors to look at would be surface area and moisture content of pile. You wanna shred everything added to pile as best as possible.I still have large piles of tree branches around the property (not good) cos no chipper yet. Even chopping and smashing manually is better than tossing in whole pieces, like with rinds/skins and twigs/branches. As for moisture, use the squeeze test. Grab a handful of material and squeeze. Only a couple drops of liquid should come out. Your compost bin is prolly to dry if in direct sunlight. Also, pile should be turned every five to ten days.