>>504971The broth'as don't surprise me, but shit like that happens all over; I used to work with a White trash guy who loved ice fishing for perch and would keep _anything_ he caught no matter how small and would catch butt-loads of them, then complain about there being no big ones in the lake....
Now there's no size limit on perch (MI here) but the general rule-of-thumb is that 6" and up are keepers and anything smaller, goes back down the hole to get bigger.
Also went ice fishing with some buddies back in Feb and a friend-of-friend came along, who claimed to be something of an ice fishing expert, (at least he had all kinda gear) and was pulling out these little perch one after another and just tossing them aside and when I asked him if he was going to eat all those baby perch, he said no, that he was "just getting them out of the way" so they wouldn't hit on his bait. I gave him the "evil eye" and he left not long after that, leaving a over dozen 3"-4" perch scattered on the ice.
If you ain't going to eat it, toss it back in, you fuckwad!