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been after pollock with fireworms and weights on a 10ft 4-8oz beachcaster in northwest scotland, going to all the well known sea fishing spots and have only caught 2 at less than a pound (both on spinning lures as it happens) in probably about 30 hours of fishing in 5 different places.
with the exception of cluelessly casting off piers and rocks with spinners and feathers years ago for mackerel and pollock, i dont really know much about fishing. read up on the net and watched videos etc on catching pollock but just no luck at all, i cast, finger the line out till the weight hits the bottom and reel it in steadily at slow/medium pace along the edge of weed and kelp beds on rocky shorelines if reeling along the bottom doesnt work i raise the depth a bit, change reeling speeds and such, or sometimes reel it in over the top of the weeds, put weighted shads on, sidewinders, spinners, play around with trace lengths etc.
i was kind of thinking that maybe the spots im fishing are just all fished out, i know other people catch fish in the general area i fish in, i pay attention to the tides and when fish rises are likely to be so i dont think it's that, do pollock spend all their lives living in just one place and get fished out or something (for those not in pollock country, they are sight predators that like kelp and rocky shores to ambush smaller fish from)? do i need to just head down the coast a few miles to some likely looking spot which is more untouched? or does something else spring out to you all that i could change