>>2056609I'm actually all about wool and linen and recently upgraded my basic wardrobe to merino. that's not to say I don't also wear the traditional summer uniform of penny loafers, red canvas shorts, white oxford, and marine blazer. will probably want a pair of linen chinos at some point, but it's not a priority because my unwashed jeans are comfy and I have wool trousers for fancy wear.
t. "eastern elite" who's actually just middle class and also half irish (< 13th-century name origin all around so it's cool). if you want a hearty lol, get a load of this jew trying absurdly hard to be white, and failing:
https://www.youtube.com/embed/5TTQeA6LOMo>>2056635that probably explains it. my linen towels are from lithuania and I've seen it plenty in poland. I bought them to solve the "do I have to pack a towel?" question forever, and now only use my cotton towels to roll wet wool.