>>2657251strawberries are easy as fuck and can grow even in the shittiest of dirt. garden strawberries are galaxies better than what is generally sold in north american produce sections. strawberry varieties are divided into june-bearing and everbearing varieties. june-bearers will produce larger berries but only for a small window of time generally around the month of june. some types just before, during or late june. everbearers produce smaller berries throughout spring and summer for a longer window of time. options are bare root dormant plants or live nursery plants. ive always had best results with live ones purchased in the spring. bare roots get planted as soon as you can get your hands on them in the dead of winter. soak bare roots in water before transplant. have your bed topped off with good soil, some kind of aged manure. pick a spot that gets lots of direct sun. when planting them take care to get the depth correct. roots buried with the crown poking out. plant them a good foot and a half apart.
first season be patient and watch for blooms to appear in spring. important: PLUCK BLOOMS THE FIRST YEAR. first year is dedicated to setting down good roots and leaves. which will lead to a better harvest the second year when you can let them produce. good to lay down a high nitrogen fertilizer like fish meal at transplant, and in subsequent years, just before spring begins and again after blooms cease in summer. in the summer time after blooms stop the plants will start to throw out runners which is the plant propagating itself. which is why you plant the original plants a good distance apart since after a couple years the in between space will be filled in by runners.