>>2341445>The atmosphere is full of trace radiation from nuclear testsThe atmosphere is full of trace radiation naturally, as our planet is constantly bathed in radiation from the sun and the rest of space. Pretty much everything on our planet is also naturally radioactive, ourselves included: anything that contains carbon, potassium, etc is going to by extension contain radioactive isotopes thereof, such as carbon-14 and potassium-40, at such consistent proportions that we can measure the age of archeological finds by how many of these isotopes have decayed.
Sleeping next to another person exposes you to trace radiation, as does eating a single banana, the latter incidentally being greater than living within 50 miles of a nuclear power station for a year (roughly 0.1 μSv vs 0.09 μSv) and still only amounts to about 1% of a typical daily dose.
Despite being constantly exposed to radiation, your body is capable of withstanding all of this and so much more, meaning none of of it will have any impact on your health whatsoever: the lowest annual dose clearly linked to an increased risk of cancer is (as far as I'm aware still) 100 mSv, which is approximately 25 times more than an average year of background radiation including man-made sources.
In regards to nuclear weapons, fallout decays just like any other radioactive material, which is why today's residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki enjoy normal background radiation levels, and why any trace amounts (negligible as they may be) that might remain in the atmosphere will too ultimately decay into an inert state.
tl;dr: "trace radiation" is literally fucking nothing
Any that may be present is merely a drop of piss in an ocean that is also made of piss
Take your own advice and don't worry about it