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Hey /out/,
Im based in northern England (just on the very edge of the peak district) and looking for the largest areas of woodland/outdoors in the UK.
Im interested in this as id like to go and try and spend a week or so alone, away from civilisation to try and properly immerse myself in the wilderness.
I live in the countryside as it is, and have spent much of my life camping out, building dens and such in the woods surrounding me, often spending multiple days out away from home. I plan to take my Jack Russel with me for company.
However, ive always been too close to civilisation, and always wanted to have the sense of true outdoorsmanship, where i can wander for miles and miles without seeing any sign of human life.
Obviously I plan to take adequate supplies and so on so forth. So my question is, where would you recommend I travel to in the UK? Where will I find the biggest sense of freedom?