>>2652951>FUCKIGN BOLT BACK DOWN THE PATH AS FAST AS WE CAN>the deepth of the terror cannot be conveyed.>the kind of fear you thought you had left behind with your childhoodi feel it even now.
>glance back, it's not following us>still run>make it back to the woods>still running down the path>suddenly we're running through undergrowth>bushes>brambles>we're not on the path>we've lost the fucking path>we're in the woods in the pitch dark night with whatever the fuck that thing was and we are fucking lost now>then i see something>a light in the distance>the tiny pinpoint of orange glow from the window of a cottage>which means we're close to the edge of the woods!>from that i figure out where we are and drag my gf out of there>we make it to the main path out>it is a straight 200 foot long corridor of trees>keep looking behind us>nothing>finally get to the gate at the end>beginning to feel a sense of relief>glance back down the path one last time>something tall flits between the trees at the far end>NOPE NOPE NOPEwe come back the next day, in the daylight, to investigate the path, see if there's any sign of what we saw, and find that in the location where we saw this hooded figure, the cliff had partially collapsed, exposing a tall white vein of rock.