Quoted By:
>Be me
>live on nature conservancy
>every single day would go out back to a little treeline dividing a field (FUCK YOU CITY FOR CUTTING IT DOWN I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU)
>Everyday run around barefoot, climbing trees, jumping across rocks, playing in my imagination
>accidentally slip on rock and hit toe
>toe hurts bad and bleeding from under toe nail so I hobble indoors to my mom and complain for a lil bit and put some paper towels on it
>bleeding stops so I do the same thing the next day
>slip again and hit big toe
>FF 5 weeks later go to doctor for toe that is looking goofy as shit
>find out the bone went through the skin under the toenail and was broken upwards
>super infected from being a lil dirty kid swimming in lakes and playing in the dirt
>needs surgery
Ever since then I have been a shoe appreciator, so anon what made you /PutYourShoesBackOn/?