>>322039What you have in that picture is actually pretty close to what I have, except for two things:
-swap the flimsey cardboard matches for wood, 'strike anywhere' ones, or even special 'storm matches' if you have the money
-swap the tin for a plastic bag. honestly, moisture shouldn't be an issue if you store it in your backpack, but soft containers are easier to pack, and fit a lot of stuff better.
I mainly start fires with matches, a little bit of vaseline-soaked cotton, and whatever I can find around me, but I like to have a back-up fire source as well, which for me is flint and steel. I do not bring lighters anymore - they are totally useless to me. I'll also bring some little fire-starting sticks, and sometimes use them. I like pic related better than the fat wood pictured in the OP because you can more easily break it into small pieces, as needed, to make it last longer. Also, your fire kit can be much smaller, while being able to start more fires.