>>1166543>>1166772>>1166785>>1166780The wooden patrol boxes can weigh as much as 80lbs while empty. Hence, exclusive use as a car camping tool and not very popular outside of scouting. One troop has an aluminum design that weighs in at 40lbs. Still pretty damn heavy for most people and thus still not really accessible to normies. Of course the hint is in the name, "patrol" box. These are meant to be a single full kitchen for an entire patrol of several people. You don't take one of these with you when it is only you and a friend. You take it with you when there's 5-10 people and 1-2 people are on kitchen duty. Of course the non-scout term is "chuck box", where "chuck" means "food & provisions". Most chuck boxes are a different design from patrol boxes, but are still much the same in function and weight. Though, there are more commercial versions of chuck boxes since the troop is supposed to make their own patrol boxes.