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So many answers. I think something to cook with like a aluminum pot would allow you to make certain foods more nutrient-available. You can make spruce tip tea with it. Also dur8ng the summer you can use to cook worms and slugs which is pretty fucking gross but if your hungry will taste palatble and give you protein. Its so hARD to hunt with a bow. Learn a little About fire making. If your cold you can stuff the insides of your clothing with spruce boughs for insulation. Learn what plants are edible. You can eat the dandlions here in Alaska all summer long and even make booze out of em. Get some good wool clothes or hemp for summer. Your gonna need sturdy clothes. If not a sleeping bag then a blanket. I think its good to lay a tarp on the ground to prevent water from ground moistening you then some soft spruce boughs as a mat. I dont even know what to say about mosquitoes.