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Kratky guy reporting.
Fourth and last lettuce harvest (and some basil) before going abroad on vacation.
The other 3 lettuce gens will remind in the grow tent. I left one there from the beginning of the experiment and it did grow to a certain size then stopped (likely the 45w LED is not enough for it to grow more). I am hoping all the lettuce behave the same while I am away so when I comeback I have 3 gen ready for outside deployment.
That is if the caretaker I am leaving in charge does not fuck up. Very doubtful.
-Zucchinis producing well. 4 almost ready for harvest.
-Peppers somehow surviving but no more flowers and fruits aren't growing no more. I am just waiting to see if they ripen because clearly something went wrong and they are not recovering.
-Tomatos are the best. Still flowering. Fruits growing and some ripening. Maybe it is because I am using FolraMato which is especially designed for tomatoes.