>>2681021Did a bunch of flyfishing in northern Montana. Saw one bear, on a dirt road as he ducked off into the woods.
Primitive camping on the west side of Glacier NP, never saw any but they were on my mind. I carry spray and a gun. I sing the I Hate Bears song. The spray is for bears at a distance. Just to make the space between us unpleasant. I dont want them close. I had a big ass 44mag, but carrying it was a pain. Sold it and got a SW 10mm, 15round mag, looking for a suitable shoulder holster.
Would hate to kill a bear, they are magnificent creatures. I talked to a ranger in the Park, told me carrying a gun is fine, discharging a gun in the park is illegal, and if you have to shoot a bear, expect a hassle while they sort things out and prosecution if they determine you were in no danger.