every single grill i've met online that says she's into fishing means that she's got some old 20 dollar walmart combo with line that has deteriorated from 10 lb to 5 lb test, has never operated a swivel, and still has some old culprit worm with the hook sticking out.
i was in the walmart fishing aisle the other day and started small talk with a chick that told me someone stole all her fishing tackle out the back of her truck. she was between a fuckable 5 and a slutty 6, the ass/legs were ok but total butterface. would have made a good fishing buddy. she told me where the bluegill honey pot was and come to find out she lives a few miles from me.
>then she reaches for the 20 dollar combo zebco 33 and shit rod>mfw i'm buying a rod that costs twice that much and remember that women don't know shit about spending a little more to not get complete junk, but don't tell her any better because women logic>finish small talk, decide to play her off for a minute and come back to ask her out>mfw i can't find her anywhereshe wasn't a keeper anyway.