Amateur Radio is a great accessory to the being /out/. Ham radio allows you to:
>Use lightweight handitalkies to communicate with a range of several miles to dozens of miles (dep on terrain)>Communicate in emergency situations where no cell phone towers are in range>Use APRS to keep track of the GPS location and keep in contact with your group>Participate in /out/door ham contestsWhat can I do with amateur radio in the great outdoors?
>Summits on the Air: take a portable HF/VHF rig to a picturesque mountain summit, throw up a wire antenna, and activate it by making contacts with people all over the world, info:>Parks on the Air: take your HF rig to a state or national park, find a nice quiet spot, activate the park, info:>Microwave: build microwave antennas and use them to make contacts from one mountain peak to anotherDue to the influx of chinese equipment, new ham radio equipment prices are at all time lows. With boomers dying off the same is true of used equipment. You can get started in the hobby for as little as $30.
>How do I get started?You start with your tech license, this gives you access to the higher frequencies VHF. It requires taking a 35 question test on the basics of radio which you can take in your local area and costs $15. Once you have that you can upgrade to General or Extra which will give you access to all frequencies.
Study the materials
>>> an exam session
>>(don’t be intimidated, they genuinely want you to get licensed)More resources