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So i'm trying to get my backyard soil to be actual soil again. It took me a while, but i cleared all weeds (and those fuckin goatheads), old roof debris, poured excess concrete, several buckets of rocks, and likely several hundred nails. I literally shopvac'd my backyard to get rid of old roof litter when it was replaced. now i'm left with some clayey sand and it's hydrophobic. i've tilled in like 1-2" of manure and let it settle in after watering it a few times. still get some puddles and hydrophobic patches.
my question is: does dawn dish soap really help for water infiltration? i'm not growing any shrubs or grass until this spring hopefully, so i've got time. i looked up some soil wettening agents on lowes, but all my local lowes dont carry it, so i feel like ill just take my watering can and water in some dish soap this week since i took the week off.
>and yes, i do have a fuckin garden area that i already finished, just need to wait for spring and find out how it works. it was a bitch to remove all the debris as well