>>1531887FUCK NO. I wanna have a beer with that guy.
Theres a city lake here in Southeast Kansas that's great for camping. Hell theres another one a mile or so away and a trail between them ive never been down. I don't walk real well but if there's beer involved i could handle it fine.
Theres a small liquor store here. Grocery store. Steakhouse/bar. It's pretty country down here. Theres no electricity at the lake but with enough vehicles charging is no problem.
Verizon cucks might be triggered. Service is a little spotty but there is a hill half a mile away by car that gets you perfect signal.
There's a big buffalo ranch not far from here.
My bros and i spend most weekends just drinking beer and sending lead down river off of dirt road bridges.
Theres 3 bridges near each other that are pretty big and a small cave where the Dalton bank robbing gang used to squat if you want to tresspass about 3 feet off a dirt road with no fence.
I'll post a couple pics of my area and if anyone wants more i'll be happy to share.
If it ends up being over 20 people or so theres a descent spot by the river with like 6 or 8 big camping spots and tables. Also no electricity but you can jump off the highway bridge if you want. I wouldnt recommend it because it's hauling dick atm and i have ne idea what giant trees anand shit would be down there. Before i got all gimpy and shit i jumped a few times. It's a fucked up feeling when the air starts to whistle past you.