>>660231Here's the shrub in the garden. Really acted strange, bought it in early May last year, then it stood totally overwatered, basically swimming in a pot without drainage holes for about 6 weeks, resulting in yellow needles starting to pop up (probably the most part of the roots rotted away), that's when I emergency-planted it out and the yellowing/browning of leaves combined without any growth wouldn't stop until around August, thought it'd be done for. But then, new yellowing finally stopped and tons of flowers started appearing in late September totally out of season (to my knowledge they only start in around February), so I think it has regained enough roots. Even now 4 months later it still stands in full flower (pic is from December but looks the same now), so I hope to get a lot of seedlings in spring to transplant to the front part of the garden where I want to grow a rosemary hedge, needing around 15 plants