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If you want to take photos at night these are the factors you gonna want to cover:
A lens that is wide and fast
A camera with reasonable sensor size and ISO performance
And yeah its all well and good you asking for advice man but serisouly do a bit of research ALL the information you need is out there. Get a budget, read some reviews, google the nomenclature you don't know, develop an understanding of whats important to YOU and what you intend to do with the camera, knowledge and ability is 90% of the game, we could recommend you the best cameras but if you don't know how to use it whats the point?
If you're low budget I'd say get a crop sensor dSLR intro, like a Nikon d3xxx, get it with the kit lens for regular shooting, and buy an additional lens for whatever you're into, but buy it after you've played around with the kit lens for a while.
Don't be afraid of buying a camera that is a year or two old - Photography is always about the newest the greatest and prices reflect that. You can get a VERY respectable camera if you buy the last generation model.
Don't become obsessed with the stats and numbers just get something you can afford and get out there and practice. You can always trade up later.
btw I'm a Fuji X shooter, and I use a 14mm f/2 lens for my astrophotography. Pic related.