>>1096195I'm not gonna lie I don't know the details of firearms laws in France, other that they require a licence
But here it's pretty much the opposite, hunting is for the "peasants". If you talk about hunting with a French guy he won't think about fancy lads riding horses with 20 dogs preceding them. He'll think about his uncle Gégé the farmer that sometimes gather with more farmers to drink wine and shoot up some boars, then drink more wine and eat saucisson.
Pretty common in the small mountains near where I live. Anecdotal evidence for sure but still, hunting is legit still a popular thing in the right places. Heck when I lived on the Mediterranean in a 5000 people town my neighbour had hunting rifles and one of my friend's dad still has several hanging in the kitchen, and it wasn't even the countryside
Also map related, I don't know how reliable they can be but it doesn't seem unreasonable
That's declared firearms of course, I don't know who has more guns between our rednecks or the gypsies