>>317229>i don't want sand from the Arizona desert that gets everywhereI live in Tempe and don't pay Rio Salado to shoot, I hike, and ride quads. I've own/owned a glock; 1911; sig; HK and never had a problem with AZ dirt in autos.
I've owned a stainless Ruger Blackhawk and in fact it was my first handgun. I got it for Christmas when I was 14. the only thing good about it was that I could fill the cases with H110 and not have to worry about hurting the gun. granted they were less than $400 back then.
> As to the .357 ruger $609 vs $0my previous response was based on your "my choice" comment but, now you are shifting the goal-post back to the fact that you got it for free. right on. I'm happy for you but, if I were you, I would trade it on one in a different cartridge.
>we do cast our ownawesome, so do I. pic related.
>357s they seem to flashy nowit's looks exactly the same. it just has superior ballistics and bullet options.
for fuck sake, my only point was that .30 carbine is a stupid round, pointless to buy a modern gun in and, I'm right. quit getting so personally buttflustered over it. it's definitely cool that you got one for free though. enjoy it.